Project Name: Research on sustainable environmental protection and greenhouse gas emission reduction using net-zero cement and nano-silica in soil reinforcement and mass concrete
Executive: Prof. Dr. Nazife (Erarslan) Doğan
This project has been prepared within the scope of the ‘Cement Sector and Energy’ field in the ‘Green Growth Technology Roadmap Priority R&D and Innovation Topics’ under the title of ‘TÜBİTAK 2024-2025 Priority R&D and Innovation Topics’. Instead of Portland cement, which is the most used in our country and the world and responsible for CO2 emissions, the project will use ‘net-zero cement’ (NOVOCEM©) and ‘colloidal silica (CS), a nano-material environmentally friendly sustainable product, and this will be the first time the project has been researched in the literature, making it unique. Supporting the project, OYAK Çimento A.Ş. has kept reducing CO2 emissions with calcined clay technology in the first place among its targets in parallel with border carbon applications and produces NOVOCEM© cement with 40% lower CO2 emissions, 20% renewable fuel and 35% less energy consumption.