Project Name: An Effective and Innovative Approach to Hard Rock Cutting Machines in Mining and Highway Tunneling with Vibratory Chisel Technology (Project No: 117M738 (Confidentiality decision was taken for the project report)
Executive: Prof. Dr. Nazife (Erarslan) Doğan

This study is a technology research for performing mechanical cutting process more efficiently by using lower force and energy by using cyclic loading technique and rock fatigue method for hard rock or ore. Within the scope of this project, a technology called Dynamic Cutting Set (DCS) which is the first in the world and in our country, which can perform dynamic hard rock cutting with a chisel that can cut at different frequencies was designed and produced. With ODC (Oscillating Disc Cutting, Australia), which is one of the latest technologies in the world that performs dynamic cutting like DKS technology, rock cutting forces and specific energy values ​​could be reduced by as much as 45%.
In the realization of this project, we fully supported the whole process from design to manufacturing. We would like to thank all employees of E-BERK Machinery and Metalurji A.Ş., and the owner of E-BERK and metallurgical engineer Mr. Özgür Savaş Özüdoğru, who is in the research team in the project and attaches great importance to R&D and successfully introduces our country with his work in the international arena.

DCS’s first design studies
The latest status of DCS
Pieces/wax and cutting grooves obtained after cutting with DCS dynamic cutting set and vibration-free traditional chisel